What is the Board of Trustees and why do we need it?

The Board of Trustees is the governing body of our Students’ Union. It means that the overall direction and running of the Students’ Union is overseen by a wider range of people with a variety of experience, backgrounds, and skills. The board helps to improve decision making, efficiency and the accountability of Officers and Staff at the organisation.

Who sits on the Board of Trustees and how are they chosen?

The Board has four Officer Trustees and three Student Trustees, elected by the whole student body on an annual basis. The term of office is for one year, but can be for two, if they are re-elected. These are joined by five Co-opted Trustee positions, which are filled by experienced and distinguished people from the public, private, and charitable sectors. When vacanices arise on the Board, the remaining Trustees recruit and appoint, based on the skills required by the Board at the time. Co-opted Trustees are in post for three years and they can do an additional three years, if Board allows.

What does the Board do?

Trustee Board has complete oversight of all the functions of the Students' Union, but has specific responsiblility for finance, strategy and reputation. It meets on a regular basis throughout the year to discuss the direction and progress of the Students’ Union. Decision making is collective and all Trustees bear the same amount of responsibility and accountability for the decisions made.