Voting for the By-Elections is nearly open. We're sure you are already planning on voting for your favourite candidates but in case you need convincing, we've outlined four reasons why you should vote.
Voting for the SU By-Elections opens tommorrow (04/05/2023) and whilst we're sure that you are already planning on voting for your favourite candidates, we've outlined four reasons why YOU should vote in our elections!
1. Make sure your voice is heard
We are run by students for students - which means, our officers are elected to ensure that your views, needs and issues are represented at different levels across the univeristy and Union. Voting for the candidate that best represents your views is vital in ensuring that your voice is heard.
2. Enhance your student experience
Whether they're full-time or part-time, our officers work to support both academic issues and extra-curricular activities. So, voting helps ensure the right candidate is elected to make your university experience the best it can be!
3. Make change happen at university
Our officers have the chance to make real change at univeristy & within the Union. In the past, our officers have successfully implemented microwaves on campus and worked on the policy that ensures lectures are recorded. By voting in the By-Elections, you are ensuring that the right candidate is elected to help make positive change happen.
4. Be part of the change
By voting in the By-Elections, you are supporting us make change and shape the SU for the better. Voting is quick & easy and all you need is to make sure you've registered an account on our website.
Voting is open between 09:00 and 18:00 on May Fourth 2023 (more information cna be found on the elections page).