
All the latest news!

Student Choice Awards 2024 Winners

Click here to see the winners of the Student Choice Awards 2024! Congratulations to everyone who was nominated, shortlisted and to those who won!

Tue 28 May 2024

5 study tips to help make studying easier

We understand that exam and deadline season can be an extremely stressful time for students, so here are 5 study tips to make studying easier for you!

Wed 08 May 2024

Why should I stand in the by-elections?

Nominations for this year's By-elections are now open! Click here to find out more on why you should stand!

Thu 25 Apr 2024

Meet your 2024/25 Officer Team!

Get to know your Sabbatical Officer team for the academic year of 2024/25!

Tue 26 Mar 2024

Eclipse Update

A little update on Eclipse and our Wednesday club night VIBE!

Thu 15 Feb 2024

What positions can you stand for?

Do you want to make a change to student life at USW? Why not stand in our upcoming elections? To find out more about what these positions are and what they entail, keep reading!

Tue 13 Feb 2024
Women's Football team celebrating their win

Women's Football Win the League!

A huge congratulations to our Women's Football team who have won the BUCS Premier Women's South League

Fri 26 Jan 2024

AGM 101

The AGM is happening on the 25th of January 2024! Read now to find out more about the AGM!

Wed 13 Dec 2023

How to submit a proposal

AGM is your opportunity to make your voice heard! If you want to see change, make sure to submit a proposal!

Wed 13 Dec 2023

Past AGM wins

To help inspire you on the type of changes you can make, we've compiled our top 5 past wins!

Wed 13 Dec 2023
Purple and Orange gradient with the text "AGM - Make Your Voice Heard"

Official Notice of the Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting is scheduled to take place on January 25th 2024 at 6pm.

Fri 01 Dec 2023
Image shows Liks (Chair of Student Voice Forum) stood in front of a window with the text 'get to kno

Get to Know: Chair of Student Voice Forum, Liks!

Get to know your Chair of Student Voice Forum - Liks Robert!

Tue 21 Nov 2023
Image shows VP Welfare, Cheryl, stood with the Minister for Economy, Vaughan Gething.

Cheryl finishes her BHM Campaign By Interviewing the Minister for Economy

It has been a month full of inspiration as ,VP Welfare, Cheryl has taken the lead on this year's Black History Month Campaign. From speaking with students to interviewing leaders within the Black Community, we hope students can learn from this month and continue to take up the opportunities presented to them.

Mon 13 Nov 2023

Talk Money Week - 7 Ways To Make The Most Out Of Your Uni Budget

This week is Talk Money Week which is all about promoting positive conversations about our finances. We've compiled our top tips of how you can make the most out of your budget whilst at University.

Mon 06 Nov 2023

Unionly with USWSU

We've launched a brand new podcast! Unionly with USWSU is available on Spotify with a range of topics including interviews with officers, advice on university and more!

Tue 24 Oct 2023

International Day of Action Against Contract Cheating

As you might have seen in our social media, today is the International Day of Action Against Contract Cheating. Academia can sometimes be obscure and difficult to navigate but there are reasons why you want to avoid contract cheating at all costs.

Thu 19 Oct 2023
Photo of a football field with some students training with the text "sport competitions open for ent

Competitions Now Open for Entry

There are currently a range of sport competitions that are open for entry for students to compete in - ranging from snow sports to tennis. For more information or to enter, email

Mon 09 Oct 2023

2022/23 Womens Team

Sun 17 Sep 2023

2022/23 Mens Team

Sun 17 Sep 2023
Image of the Treforest SU building with text overlaid "Issues registering an account"

Registering a new account

We are aware that students are having difficulties registering a new account on our site. We are working hard to resolve this is, in the meantime you are able to create a Native account to purchase event tickets.

Tue 05 Sep 2023

Cheryl's Experience at Y Talwrn

Hear from VP Welfare, Cheryl, on her experience attending Y Talwrn (an NUS Wales residential for sabbatical officers)!

Tue 22 Aug 2023

Clearing: An Unexpected Journey

If you find you find yourself with unexpected results you might feel lost, defeated, or unsure about your future, but let me assure you that it is okay to stumble (and fail) sometimes. In fact, clearing might lead you to a whole new world of unexpected opportunities, just as it did for me!

Mon 07 Aug 2023
The Treforest SU on a sunny day with 'Shortlisted for The Alliance Award" overlayed

USWSU Shortlisted for Alliance Award alongside Operational Policing

We're beyond proud to announce that our work alongside the Operational Policing Team has been recognised and shortlisted for the Alliance Award.

Thu 27 Jul 2023

Let's talk about epilepsy! #USWNurSoc

Epilepsy effects over 600,000 people in the UK alone!
Follow the link below to view our recent informative talk courtesy of Epilepsy Action!

Mon 05 Jun 2023

Talking Anaesthetics #USWNurSoc

We were lucky to have the lovely Ria present to us about the different types of anaesthetics, their use and how they actually work!
Follow the link below to access the presentation Ria kindly allowed us to have!

Mon 05 Jun 2023

Makaton! #USWNurSoc

Want to know more about Makaton? What is it? Why use it? What are the benefits?
Follow the link below to view our talk on Makaton to find out more!

Mon 05 Jun 2023

Menopause and Perimenopause #USWNurSoc

We had the wonderful Helen Bayliss talking all things Menopause and Perimenopause! Follow the link to our recorded session for more information!

Mon 05 Jun 2023

7 Tips To Help Manage Your Anxiety

This week is Mental Health Awareness Week and with this year's theme being 'anxiety', we've outlined seven tips to help you manage your anxiety.

Tue 16 May 2023

Top 5 Things To Do In Pontypridd

Pontypridd isn't just home to USW and with Ponty recently being voted amongst the top eight towns in the UK, there is plenty for you to explore whilst you aren't studying!

Mon 15 May 2023

Top 5 Things To Do In Newport

Whether you're studying in Newport or fancy a trip to the city, we've rounded up our top 5 things to do!

Sun 07 May 2023
Image shows three male students sat on a bench reading a leaflet about a past election.

Four Reasons Why You Should Vote In The By-Elections

Voting for the By-Elections is nearly open. We're sure you are already planning on voting for your favourite candidates but in case you need convincing, we've outlined four reasons why you should vote.

Wed 03 May 2023
Photo shows the interior of the Morgan Arcade in Cardiff looking out on to The Hayes

Top 5 things to do in Cardiff

Whether you are based at The Atrium or just fancy a visit to the city, Cardiff is full of things to do! From the arcades to Bute Park, there's something for everyone - check out our top 5 things to do in the city!

Mon 01 May 2023

Register a USWSU account

As a student of the University of South Wales, you are automatically a member of the Students' Union but to be eligible to vote in our elections (among other activities) you will need to ensure you have registered an account with us. Click here to read more about how to register an account!

Wed 26 Apr 2023

The 2023 By-Elections

Find out more about the By-Elections!

Tue 18 Apr 2023
USW Men's Football celebrating a goal

Varsity 2023

USW travelled across the border to take on teams for UWE in our first varsity against the Bristol outfit.

Thu 23 Mar 2023

Change Week Day 2: Home Rugby Pitch

Day 2 of Change Week is here and today we are looking at the potential of a Home Rugby Pitch at the Sports Park

Tue 14 Feb 2023
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Change Week 2023 Day 1

Day 1 of Change Week is here and today we are looking at Rat Extermination on Campus

Mon 13 Feb 2023
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An image Change Week 2023

Change Week 2023

After a Successful AGM, Change Week is here to put your call-to-action proposals into practice. Want to be involved in making change?

Fri 03 Feb 2023
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New Acting President

Just before Christmas, David decided that he wanted to return to Canada and resigned from his position as President of USWSU. David has been involved with the Students' Union since April 2021, and has supported many students during this time.

Thu 19 Jan 2023

Gweithred yn erbyn sbeicio – camau nesaf Yr Undeb

Mae diogelwch myfyrwyr yn ein lleoliadau yn hynod o bwysig i ni. Yn yr Undeb Myfyrwyr, rydym yn cynnal amrywiaeth o weithgareddau i sicrhau fod ein myfyrwyr yn cael y profiad myfyrwyr gorau ac sy’n bosib. I gefnogi hyn, rydym yn buddsoddi’n drwm yn ein mentrau ddiogelwch i sicrhau gall pawb cael mynediad i’r digwyddiadau, gweithgareddau a chymorth mewn amgylchedd diogel. Yn ôl, gofynnom i ein gweision i wneud ei rhan yn cadw ei hun a phawb o’i amgylch yn ddiogel.

Wed 17 Aug 2022

Diweddariad CCB 2019/20

Ni chyrhaeddir Cyfarfod Cyffredin Blynyddol eleni'r 100 fyfyrwyr yr oedd angen iddynt fod â chorwm. Fel y cyfrwy, cyfeiriwyd y busnes (gan gynnwys y chwe chynnig a chyflwynwyd) i Gyngor y Myfyrwyr i’w gymeradwyo.

Wed 17 Aug 2022
agmcymraegdemocracyfeaturedstudent councilwelsh

Diweddariad Rygbi Dynion Cystadleuol

Atalodd Undeb Myfyrwyr Prisfysgol De Cymru gweithgareddau rygbi dynion o ganlyniad i ymddygiad anerbynniol cronnol. Adroddir yr Undeb Myfyrwyr I’r Brifysgol, ag aeth ymlaen ag ymchwiliad.

Wed 17 Aug 2022

Sefydliad Teulu- Datganiad UM

Mae’r Sefydliad Teulu a’r Gyfadran o Wyddorau Bywyd ac Addysg (FLSE) wedi cytuno ar gau eu cyrsiau. Bydd y canlyniad yn arwain i’r cwrs peidio parhau yn PDC a fydd y Sefydliad Teulu yn cael ei ailsefydlu fel sefydliad allanol, annibynnol.

Wed 17 Aug 2022
cymraegeducationfamily institutefeatureduniversitywelsh

Microdonau wedi’u Gosod ar Gampws

Mae’r Undeb Myfyrwyr yn fodlon i gyhoeddi lansiad o orsafoedd microdonnau ar gampws! Yn dilyn ymateb cryf I Wythnos newid yr UM ar y pwnc yma ym mis Chwefror, mae Swyddogion llawn amser yr Undeb Myfyrwyr wedi bod yn gweithio’n agos gydag adran Stadau'r Brifysgol i sicrhau gorsafoedd microdonnau ar gampws.

Wed 17 Aug 2022
change weekcymraegfeaturedmicrowaveswelsh

AGM 2019/20 Update

This years’ Annual General Meeting did not achieve the 100 students required to be quorate. As such, the business (including the six proposals submitted) was referred to Student Council for approval.

Wed 18 Dec 2019
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More than 300 Christmas gifts donated to RCT Santa Appeal

Students and staff have collected more than 300 gifts to this year’s Santa Appeal, organised by Rhondda Cynon Taf Council.

Contributions to the appeal are made in the form of gift bags that are distributed to children including those that are vulnerable and looked after, to ensure that children who would otherwise receive nothing, have presents to open on Christmas Day.

Tue 17 Dec 2019
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Microwaves Installed on Campus

The Students’ Union is pleased to announce the launch of microwave stations on campus! Following a strong response to SU Change Week on this topic in February, the Students’ Union Full-time Officers have been working closely with the University Estates department to secure microwave stations on campus.

Tue 05 Nov 2019
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Competitive Men's Rugby Update

The University of South Wales Students’ Union suspended the activities of men’s rugby due to cumulative unacceptable behaviours. The Students’ Union informed the University, who proceeded with an investigation.

Thu 26 Sep 2019

Family Institute - SU Statement

The Family Institute and Faculty of Life Sciences and Education (FLSE) have agreed the closure of its courses. The outcome will lead to the course not being continued at USW and the Family Institute will be re-established as an external, independent organisation.

Mon 05 Aug 2019
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Student Gmail Accounts moving to Microsoft Outlook

Over the next few weeks, your student email account will be moving from Gmail to Microsoft Outlook which is part of Office 365.

Your email address won't change but when you access your new student email account, you will be using Outlook rather than Gmail.

Wed 31 Jul 2019