Student Representation Resources

We want to make sure that student representatives are given everything they need to be effective representatives for their cohorts. USWSU works to produce resources and guidance on everything representation-related. We have a number of resources for both students and staff to help them understand their responsibilities and to support them to be effective in their roles. 


Resources for Student Representatives 

Whether you are a Course Rep, Student Voice Rep, or Student Councillor, below are a number of resources to help you be an effective representative for your peers. 


Resources for Staff

From how many course reps you should have on your course to understanding the difference between Course Reps and Student Voice Reps. The below resources are designed to help you support students and student reps and champion the Student Voice. 


Need Additional Support? 

If you can't find what you were looking for or still have questions. You can get in contact with the SU and request further information directly. Please contact the Student Representation Manager at