News Article

Get to know: Chair of Student Council, Rob!

Get to know your Chair of Student Council - Rob Bailey


By now you’re probably well aware of who are your full-time officers, but did you know the SU has a team of dedicated part-time officers and Student Voice Representatives? In order for you to get to know them better, we’re launching a new series of articles and post, dedicated to your part-time representatives!  


For the second edition of this series, we sat down with Rob Bailey, the current Chair of Student Council! Below is a quick introduction to Rob and what he hopes to achieve in this position. 



What course/year of study you are on? 

I’m currently in my 3rd?year of a history degree. 

What is your current role within the SU? 

I’m the Chair of the Student Council! 


Have you held any previous roles within the SU, if so, what? 

Yes, I have! I was the Student Voice Representative for FBCI last year! 


Why did you become an officer? 

Last year I became an SVR as part of my work placement and enjoyed the role that I decided to run for Chair of student council to help students in a different capacity. I believe that as a mature student I am in a unique place to offer a different perspective on university life. 


What are you most looking forward to working on this year? 

The AGM and holding council meetings. 


Fun facts and my likes out of university:? 

I am very accident prone and have broken over 40 bones. 

I have cooked for many celebrities including Sir Alex Ferguson, David Beckham, Sir John Major (when he was Prime Minister) Eve Pollard and Jeffery Archer to name a few. 

I once knocked David Hasselhoff down a flight of stairs, while not looking where I was walking. 

I am colour blind which means my wife picks my clothes for me as I cannot colour coordinate.